Upcoming Event: “Social Media: Challenges for Parents”
Upcoming Event: “Social Media: Challenges for Parents”
Delivered by: Dr Maureen Griffin, Forensic Psychologist & Director of MGMS Training Ltd
Hosted by: Colaiste Muire Parents’ Association with the support of the school.
The event is open to all Parents/Guardians
- Date and Time: Thursday 23rd January from 7-8pm (with Q&A after the talk)
- Location: Colaiste Danlann (Colaiste Muire)
The presentation will provide an overview of what is currently popular among Irish students, what the potential dangers are and offer practical advice on how to protect children when they are online or using their mobile devices. Issues such as age inappropriate apps; social networking sites; social messaging/chatting apps; video-streaming sites; mobile device safety; screen time & sleep; sexting and cyber-bullying will be addressed. The event will make parents aware of the dangers and highlight some practical tips.
Maureen has visited over 900 schools across Ireland talking to students, parents, teachers and BOM members on issues such as social networking, online gaming, cyber-bullying and mobile phone safety.
She has also delivered presentations around social media for the HSE, Brothers of Charity, NEPS, Gardaí, NAPD and numerous Conferences.